
Crow’s Feet: Causes, Treatments, & Prevention

by Laser Clinics Group on August 19, 2024

Crow’s Feet: Causes, Treatments, & Prevention

They say laughter is the best medicine. But those little lines etched around your eyes affectionately known as crow’s feet can sometimes leave you feeling less than amused.

Yes, these wrinkles are a natural part of ageing and a testament to a life well-lived but it’s perfectly normal to want to make them less prominent. 

Whether you’re noticing those first faint lines or looking to address more prominent cases of crow’s feet, understanding its causes, and exploring ways to treat and prevent them can go a long way in achieving a smoother, more refreshed eye area. 


The Science Behind Crow’s Feet

Crow’s feet, or the fine lines around the eyes (lateral canthal lines) are primarily the cause of repeated contraction of facial muscles, particularly the orbicularis oculi. These “dynamic lines” can initially appear only during facial expressions like smiling, but they can gradually morph into “static lines” visible even at rest.

Age-related processes include loss of skin elasticity, alterations in muscle activity, and gradual loss of collagen and subcutaneous fat. External factors like chronic sun exposure and smoking can also speed up the formation of crow’s feet.


Repeated Facial Expressions

Smiling, squinting, and laughing make the muscles around the eyes contract and create creases in the skin. A study also notes that levels of wrinkles in static (unmoving) and dynamic (moving) states increased with age.

As mentioned, the skin gets less elastic as you age. In your youth, the skin bounces back much easier due to ample collagen and elastin supply. But over time, these proteins diminish, causing repeated creasing and permanent wrinkles around the eyes.


Excessive Exposure To Ultraviolet Rays

Vitamin D is good for the skin, but too much of it can attack your skin’s collagen and elastin, which give it a plump and youthful appearance. Over time, UV damage weakens the skin’s defences and makes it less elastic and likelier to develop wrinkles.

The thin skin around the eyes is especially vulnerable due to having fewer oil glands and lower collagen levels. It’s among the areas of your skin susceptible to sun damage, and consequently, the formation of crow’s feet.



Lifestyle and environmental factors play a huge role in developing crow’s feet, but your genes also have a say. If your parents or grandparents showed wrinkles early on, you may also be more likely to develop them early.

Genetics are like the blueprints for your skin’s ageing process. Certain variations can affect your skin’s capacity to produce and maintain collagen and elastin. Numerous studies have correlated this with higher susceptibility to developing wrinkles, including those around your eyes.



Smoking takes a toll on your overall health and is also a major contributor to premature ageing and those dreaded crow’s feet. As highlighted in a study published in the National Library of Medicine by Urbańska et al., patients addicted to smoking had skin that aged them 40 years, resembling those of non-smoking 70-year-old adults.

If you’re a smoker concerned about crow’s feet or premature ageing, quitting is among the powerful steps to protect your health and maintain your youth.


Tips To Keep Crow’s Feet At Bay

You can’t just make your way through life without smiling or showing facial expressions- humans are emotional beings! But that doesn’t mean you surrender to the inevitable march of time and let those crow’s feet deepen.

A few, simple effective tips can help you slow down the clock and restore the youth in the area around your eyes:

  • Sun Protection: Make it a habit to wear a broad-spectrum sunscreen with at least SPF 30 daily, even when the sun’s rays aren’t beating down. Don’t forget to reapply regularly, especially if you have to spend time outdoors. Wearing sunglasses and a hat can also further protect the delicate skin around your eyes.
  • Keep Your Skin Hydrated: Keeping your skin hydrated is also about keeping hydrated yourself. Drink adequate water daily, and to further boost your hydration levels, apply a hydrating eye cream specifically formulated for the delicate eye area.
  • Quit Smoking: Smoking’s impact on accelerated ageing is well documented, and quitting is among the most impactful changes you can make to restore your skin’s health. But it’s a journey, not a switch. Seek support groups, nicotine replacement therapies, or professional help. All of these go a long way to help you gradually break free from this habit, and protect your skin from further damage.
  • Wear Eyeglasses: If you have vision problems causing you to squint much more frequently, even indoors, consider getting a pair of prescription eyeglasses. Addressing underlying vision problems can help reduce squinting and the formation of crow’s feet.


Professional Treatments To Soften The Appearance Of Crow’s Feet

If you prefer professional treatments, Laser Clinics United Kingdom offers a wide range of Cosmetic Aesthetic Treatments designed to smooth and soften your crow’s feet.


Soften & Smooth Cosmetic Aesthetic Treatments 

This treatment specifically targets dynamic wrinkles due to repeated facial expressions, like crow’s feet which appear when smiling or squinting. 

By carefully administering a muscle-relaxing agent into the targeted areas around the eyes, our Soften & Smooth Treatment can help soften crow’s feet and prevent them from deepening over time. 

Crow’s feet, those lines that tell the story of your laughter and life experiences are something we should embrace. But you can take proactive steps to soften their appearance and maintain a vibrant eye area.

Whether you focus on prevention, explore at-home remedies, or seek professional treatments, Laser Clinics United Kingdom supports your journey towards a more confident you.