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Throw Out Your Razors This Year With Laser Hair Removal

by Laser Clinics United Kingdom on June 07, 2018

Throw Out Your Razors This Year With Laser Hair Removal

Dear Razors and Waxing,

It’s not me.

It’s you.



You know what we’re talking about. The pure planning and time that goes into hair removal.  If you’re not having to do an emergency bikini wax in less than 10 seconds flat, or a midnight dash to the supermarket when you find your Nairs tube empty in the bathroom cupboard, you’re scrambling to get to the waxing salon so your legs are LBD-ready in time for your bestie’s birthday party. Surely it shouldn’t be this hard?

With our laser hair removal prices, it’s time to ditch your old hair removal routine. 

Only laser hair removal gives you permanent hair reduction and here are all the advantages of laser hair removal:

Laser hair removal is safe & effective

Our experienced therapists use medical grade Candela GentleLase Pro and GentleYag Pro, the world’s most efficient hair reduction system. For smooth, ready to go skin all year round. 🕺

Laser hair removal is precise

Lasers selectively target pigment - dark, coarse hairs while leaving the surrounding skin undamaged. 🙌

Laser hair removal treatment is fast

Compared to shaving and waxing, laser hair removal treatment is fast. Each pulse of the laser takes a fraction of a second and it treats multiple hairs at once. ⚡ The laser can treat a surface area approximately the size of a 20c coin every second. Smaller areas such as the upper lip can be treated in less than a minute, and large areas, such as the back or legs, take a little longer.

Laser hair removal is quick

You can expect permanent hair reduction. After every session, you’ll notice that hair grows back thinner and lighter.

Laser hair removal is cheaper in the long run

After 5 years, waxing stacks up to an average cost of $2,700 while laser totals $1,062*  💰

So… it’s time to break up.

If you have always wanted to break up with your razor or waxing and try laser hair removal, there’s never been a better time. As the market leader in laser hair removal United Kingdom, and with over 100 clinics, we offer you the ultimate convenience and experience.

Enter a lasting relationship and book your complimentary consultation today. Got an appointment? Here’s how to prepare for laser hair removal.



*Based on Female Brazilian & Underarms (non-promotional price); assumes monthly waxing; 10 laser hair removal sessions initially; 2 maintenance per year. Source: Laser Clinics United Kingdom, list price.